SPLASH! T-shirt competition results!!
A while ago we polled all of our past students to tell us about their experiences during SPLASH! We've rated them and pick one to win a free SPLASH! T-shirt! Congratulations Yessenia Moreno!
Below is her SPLASH! experience that won her a free t-shirt.
Splash was a great experince for me. I had never attended Splash and I regret that because it was a really fun experience. I went as a Senior, which unfortunatly means that i can't go next year, but if I could do it again, I would. You get to meet a lot of new people, no matter what age they are, it's still fun to get to know them. My favorite classes would have to be Sign Language and Frisbee. I really enjoyed both because they were really fun and I got to interact with others :) I was a little bad at Sign Language, but it was still fun to see that I was not the only one struggling. There were times when I got lost, expecially when I had to get there, but it was still fun. One of the wacky experinces I had was that I took a Music Theory class when I had never seen a music note or learned about them. Thanks for giving me the chance to be there.
I would recommend this to anyone, it's fun and at the same time you learn new things.
-Yessenia Moreno